Ultimate Sleep Bundle


Ultimate Sleep Bundle

Original price was: $87.99.Current price is: $78.99.

Tired of being tired? The Ultimate Sleep Bundle is THE ANSWER. Do you suffer from restlessness, racing thoughts, and/or the inability to just SHUT OFF? Don’t worry, nature has an answer for that… When used together, our Mello Out, Rest Easy, and Sacred Slumber Magnesium Cream can set to rest even the trickiest of sleep patterns. Designed to slowly and methodically bring your nervous system back into a state of balance and calm, this Ultimate Sleep Bundle can help you get back your vitality by providing a new safe and effective sleep routine. Try for the whole family- even kiddos 2 and up are set to go with this TKO!

Tired of being tired? The Ultimate Sleep Bundle is THE ANSWER.

Do you suffer from restlessness, racing thoughts, and/or the inability to just SHUT OFF? Maybe you’re like us and you wake frequently through the night? We were tired of being tired too… And it was destroying our health and stressing us OUT.


But of course…nature has an answer for that…


When used together, our Mello Out, Rest Easy, and Sacred Slumber Magnesium Cream can set to rest even the trickiest of sleep patterns.


Designed to slowly and methodically bring your nervous system back into a state of balance and calm, this Ultimate Sleep Bundle can help you get back your vitality by providing a new safe and effective sleep routine. Try for the whole family- even kiddos 2 and up are set to go with this TKO!



  1. We recommend starting with our Mello Out Herbal Stress Support Drops an hour before bedtime to begin to satiate the nervous system with an overall sense of calm! Oftentimes, and especially for those who suffer with anxiety or racing thoughts, the thought of closing out the day is stressful. We begin to run through alllll of the things that didn’t get done or we start spinning about alllll the things we need to do tomorrow. But we don’t have to live in a perpetual state of what was or what’s to come. A few drops of Mello Out will start to take the edge off and slowwwww you down.
  2. Our Rest Easy Herbal Sleep Drops are formulated to bring you to a deep state of sleep and keep you there longer! Most prefer to mix this into their Organic Elderberry Syrup to mask powerful roots and herbs used in this blend. You will never tell it’s in there! But careful not to take it too soon, this will make you verrrry sleepy within 10-15 minutes. Finish your day, take your drops, and let the rest go. You did a good job today!
  3. Finally, as you’re crawling into bed, it’s time for your perfect night of Sacred Slumber. This nourishing blend of butters, oils, magnesium and tallow are both excellent for replenishing depleted or suboptimal levels of magnesium in the body while also supporting inflammation, pain and nervous system dysregulation. Scoop a pinky’s worth and rub on the bottoms of your feet and back of the calves for a rapid rate of absorption and extra easy sleep. Have pain? Rub a little extra there as needed too. Woke up in the middle of the night? Reapply and go back to sleep. Sacred Slumber Magnesium Cream has so many uses! Lean in and trust the process. You’ve got this!
  4. SLEEP. You can’t not with this method.
  5. Give thanks. You’re such a better you when you’re rested!



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